Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is a condition characterized by compression of the ulnar nerve in an area of the elbow called the cubital tunnel. When the elbow is bent, the ulnar nerve can stretch and catch on the bony bump. When the ulnar nerve is compressed or entrapped, the nerve can tear and become inflamed leading to a variety of symptoms, called cubital tunnel syndrome.

- Intermittent numbness, tingling, and pain to the little finger, ring finger, and the inside of the hand.
- Aching pain to the inside of the elbow
- Weakness in hand with diminished grip strength
- Diminished sensation and fine motor control in the hand causing the person to drop objects or have difficulty in handling small objects.
- Muscle wasting in the hand and permanent nerve damage, if left untreated.
- Medical History
- Physical Examination
- X-ray
- Electromyography
- Nerve conduction tests
Non-Surgical Treatments
- Dry Needling
- Steroid and Hyaluronic Acid Image Guided Injections
- Image Guided Calcific Barbotage