About the Interactive of Elbow

Have Elbow pain? Click on one of the pictures below and point to the area of the elbow where it hurts. Click to see some of the conditions that cause elbow symptoms in that area.

Elbow Pain

Click on an area of the elbow for a list of some symptoms that may produce pain in that area.

  • Elbow
    Biceps Tendon Tear at the Elbow The biceps muscle, located in the front of the upper arm allows you to bend the elbow and rotate the arm. Biceps tendons attach the biceps muscle to the bones in the shoulder and in the elbow.Read more
    Biceps rupture The biceps tendon at the elbow is called the distal biceps tendon and if there is a tear in this tendon, you will be unable to move your arm from the palm-down to palm-up position.Read more
    Loose bodies Loose bodies are small loose fragments of cartilage or a bone that float around the joint. Loose bodies occur if there is bleeding within the joint, death of tissues lining the joints associated with tuberculosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.Read more
    Osteochondritis Dissecans Osteochondritis Dissecans is a joint condition in which a piece of cartilage, along with a thin layer of the bone separates from the end of the bone because of inadequate blood supply.Read more

    Click to see some of the conditions that cause symptoms in that area

  • Elbow
    Olecranon bursitis The elbow contains a large, curved, pointy bone at the back called the olecranon, which is covered by the olecranon bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that allows smooth movement between the bone and overlying skin.Read more
    Distal humerus fractures of the elbow Distal humerus fracture is a rare condition which occurs when there is break in the lower end of the humerus. A distal humerus fracture may result due to a fall.Read more

    Click to see some of the conditions that cause symptoms in that area

  • Elbow
    Lateral epicondylitis Tennis elbow is the common name used for the elbow condition called lateral epicondylitis. It is an overuse injury that causes inflammation of the tendons that attach to the bony prominence on the outside of the elbow.Read more
    Radial Head Fractures The head of the radius bone is cup-shaped and corresponds to the spherical surface of the humerus. The injury in the head of the radius causes impairment in the function of the elbow.Read more
    Olecranon (Elbow) Fractures Elbow fractures may occur from trauma resulting from a variety of reasons, some of them being a fall on an outstretched arm, a direct blow to the elbow, or an abnormal twist to the joint beyond its functional limit.Read more

    Click to see some of the conditions that cause symptoms in that area

  • Elbow
    Medial epicondylitis Golfer’s elbow, also called Medial Epicondylitis, is a painful condition occurring from repeated muscle contractions in the forearm that leads to inflammation and micro tears in the tendons that attach to the medial epicondyle.Read more
    Cubital tunnel syndrome Cubital tunnel syndrome is a condition characterized by compression of the ulnar nerve in an area of the elbow called the cubital tunnel. When the elbow is bent, the ulnar nerve can stretch and catch on the bony bump.Read more

    Click to see some of the conditions that cause symptoms in that area


non-surgical treatment
  • Initial
  • Secondary

non-surgical treatment

non-surgical treatment

location & directions